31st July 2023. | News
Air Navigation Service Providers, as is BHANSA, are obliged to meet common and specific requirements for providers of air traffic management services, air navigation services and other air traffic management network functions. Law on Bosnia and Herzegovina Air Navigation Services Agency (Official Gazette of BiH, 43/09, Article 21) states that the Agency may provide air navigation services only if they possess a certificate on meeting the requirements for providing air navigation services and if the certificate is issued by BHDCA.
Since BiH is strategically committed to the EU membership, it has been accepted that we should comply with and apply EU regulations, including those in the field of civil aviation. Therefore, BiH is a member of the European Civil Aviation Conference - ECAC, Joint Aviation Authorities - JAA and EUROCONTROL, and has the observer status in the work of the European Union Aviation Safety Agency - EASA. Additionally, BiH has ratified the Agreement on the establishment of the European Common Aviation Area – ECAA and signed working agreement with EASA and thus accepted the obligation to apply EU regulations in the field of civil aviation.
EU has adopted COMMISSION IMPLEMENTING REGULATION (EU) 2017/373 of 1 March, 2017 laying down common requirements for providers of air traffic management/air navigation services and other air traffic management network functions and their oversight. The aforementioned Regulation has been adopted into the BiH legal system through the Rulebook laying down common and specific requirements for providers of air traffic management services, air navigation services and other air traffic management functions (Official Gazette of BiH, 10/23).
Based on the stated intention and the submitted request, BHDCA has conducted a certification procedure of BHANSA according to the provision of the Rulebook laying down common and specific requirements for providers of air traffic management services, air navigation services and other air traffic management functions (Official Gazette of BiH, 10/23). After the conducted procedure, BHDCA’s team has made a final assessment that BHANSA meets the requirements for replacing the air navigation service provider certificate in accordance with Article 13, paragraph (2) of the Rulebook, and that they meet the requirements to be certified as the air navigation service provider for the following functions:
• Air Traffic Flow Management - ATFM and
• Airspace Management - ASM.
Based on the aforementioned, BHDCA has issued a decision on issuing a certificate, to BHANSA, for the provision of air navigation functions and services, air navigation services certificate ANS -05 and the attachment to the ANS -05 service provider certificate.
BHANSA has fully met all the requirements and has been certified for the provision of air navigation services in accordance with the regulatory provisions valid in both EU and BiH:
• Air Traffic Services – ATS
• Air Traffic Flow Management - ATFM
• Airspace Management - ASM
• Communication, Navigation or Surveillance services – CNS
• Aeronautical Information Services – AIS
• MET services
BHANSA and BHDCA, during this complex and extensive certification procedure, have achieved a successful and professional cooperation which has made possible all the requested requirements to be met in a short period of time.
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BHANSA Agencija za pružanje usluga u zračnoj plovidbi Bosne i HercegovineBHANSA - Bosnia and Herzegovina air navigation services agency
ID 4227685650001
Ortiješ bb 88000 Mostar
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Phone: +387 36 281 000
Fax: +387 36 281 010
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